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Animal Success Stories

Second only to finding homes for our animals is the joy of hearing back from their new families.  We invite you to read along with us.  If you should decide to open up your heart and home to one of our angels, please send us a note and photo to tell us how it is going!  We will post it on this page so others can share in your happiness. 

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Elsa the Yorkie
Elsa the Yorkie

Hello Colleen – Please be sure to pass this to all interested. Elsa the Yorkie…is now Judy. Okay tell Judy this is with the utmost respect. My biker husband decided this was a good name. I also have always love Judy Garland in The wizard of Oz with Toto (Cairn terrier, I know), but still small cute and a terrier none the less. Judy is doing fine. Getting along with Bandit very well. He is glad to have her as a companion and so are we!! She sits, speaks on command and gives her paw. She loves our wet food, but when hungry will also learn to love the dry (we get our food Calif. Naturals at Louise’s Pet connection). She has a beautiful pink harness and leash, a tiny little sweakie toy and a soft little bed. She went to pet’s mart for a flea bath and to have her ears trimmed. She is really good about taking her antibiotic wrapped in cheese, and putting up with her ear cleaning and medication. She is a total delight and it feels like we have always had her! Will keep in touch and send pics too. Thank you all for all you do! Linda

Elwood the Rat Terrier
Elwood the Rat Terrier

First, thank you for taking care of, now known as “Willie” formerly Elwood; and, therefore allowing us to find him and make him part of our family. He brings us much joy, laughter, and comfort. He has been a wonderful addition to our family. At first he was a real mama’s boy, but now that he has gotten use to being home all day, walked, played with, feed and constantly petted and held by my husband, who is also home all day, he has become very, very, attached to him. Which is something we didn’t expect and are grateful for, we instantly fell in love with him. Hi, I am Fred, and the proud partner of “Elwood”, a dog now called “Willie”, as in Willie Nelson with a bandana and all. This is the first pet that I have had and I never knew that it was so much fun. He is not as “wild” as people said about this breed, but that is fine with me because I am not as energetic as in the old days. Let me tell you Willie is lazier than me and as I said before- it is ok with me; this is one of those stories…and they lived ever after… We are very happy with him, and it seems that Willie is happy with his new family, thank you for asking. Fred

Eddie the Great Dane Puppy
Eddie the Great Dane Puppy

Eddie the Great Dane (renamed by the family to Maximus) is doing great. We had our great dane, Tiffany meet Eddie in neutral territory and then had the two go for a fairly long walk together. The two have been getting along very well - Tiffany even gets down on all fours to play with him. He is fairly high energy but several walks a day have taken some of that energy out of him. He went in his crate very willingly last night and cried for about 2 - 3 minutes before falling asleep. He came to us with diarhea which we are watching and will address with our vet if it doesn't improve shortly. Again he is doing great (still needs some housebreaking yet) and we are very please to have him as part of the family. Thanks for your help - good look with our other rescue animals. -- Skip B.

Elvis the Bloodhound
Elvis the Bloodhound

I adopted "Echo", a male bloodhound, in April 2006. It truly was love at first sight. I initially spotted him out of the corner of my eye at the Oviedo Petsmart. He was beautiful; I had always had a soft spot in my heart for bloodhounds. As I knelt down next to his crate, he looked at me with those droopy bloodhound eyes and I melted. I took him home that day and after trying out a few names, settled on Elvis. Unlike the others, he instantly responded to it. He's nothing but a hound dog, after all, and has a fantastic "singing" voice. I've attached a link to a video of him singing to his favorite song on the TV. He sings on cue to several songs and will howl back at you, if you make eye contact and howl at him. I love that he is so vocal. Elvis is an absolute lover and sweetheart. At almost 80 pounds, he still loves to snuggle up to you. He loves to be in your lap and right up in your face. However, I'll be the first to admit Elvis is a complete goofball and just down right silly. He doesn't just walk on the leash, he prances. When he is excited, he hops up and down and frequently in a spins in a circle. And when it's time to eat, Elvis does what we call the "happy dance". There's never a shortage of energy for him. It's his personality and it definitely keeps me smiling. As my friends would agree, Elvis is one of the happiest, friendliest dogs you will ever encounter. Even my friends who claim to "not like dogs" love Elvis. I could not have asked for a more wonderful dog. The happiness he brings to me is indescribable. To me, Elvis is the perfect ambassador for a rescued dog. Everywhere we go, he attracts attention, I think primarily because of his handsome good looks. I am frequently asked where I got him from... And people are always surprised to learn he is a rescue. I like to think that it plants the seed in their head that there are amazing adoptable dogs out there. Having spoken to Judy about the awful neglectful situation he came from and how poor his health was, I am ever thankful she took the chance on rehabilitating him. I can't imagine my life without him. ~ Elizabeth S.


My name is Charleen from Lake Mary, and I adopted "Eddie", a Dalmatian mix a few months ago from Pet Rescue by Judy. Eddie had been sad and lonely since his master had died suddenly, and he had not been eating well. He adapted quite well to our family of just gals, and I soon found out that he really loves the ladies! He is a dapper dancer with my 7 year old granddaughter, Isabella, and craves hugs and kisses from my great granddaughter Kaitlin, age 3. He has gained weight and is thriving in our home! He is such a dear - and who can resist a Hannah Montana look-alike! He is really a joy and we love him so much!

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